
Depending on individual requirements, services are charged on either a ‘per project’ basis [essentially a ‘fixed fee’ arrangement, subject to certain provisos], or using a time-based arrangement [usually where services are provided on an ongoing basis].
The information below is intended to provide a basic introduction to both charging mechanisms, and also an indication of the cost of using our services under a time-based arrangement [there are no standard rates as such for project-based assignments, as each one is different and will be costed according to the specific requirements].
When considering the rates, please keep in mind that when using BusinessLinc there are absolutely no ‘hidden extras’. Apart from VAT and any pre-agreed expense items, the rate agreed is the rate you pay – and there’s no long-term commitment. You simply pay for what you need, when you need it.
If you require any further information about our rates, or would like a no-obligation quotation for a particular project or service you have in mind, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Project-Based Assignments
Many of our assignments are based on undertaking a specific project over a pre-determined period of time, and agreeing a fixed cost for delivery of that project.
Each project is clearly defined in a ‘Statement of Work’ document, which details both parties’ responsibilities and all other key details of the assignment.
Most project-based assignments are unique, and will be charged depending on a number of factors including timescale, skill levels required, etc.
Depending on likely duration, project-based assignments are commonly invoiced in several stages related to completion of milestones throughout the project, and an agreed payment schedule will be confirmed in the Statement of Work.
Time-Based Engagements
Where our services are not linked to a specific Project-Based Assignment they will be delivered as a Time-Based Engagement.
A Time-Based Engagement may be for a fixed period [and will therefore have a fixed cost known from the date of commencement], or may be ongoing until either party gives notice to end the arrangement.
A Time-Based Engagement is charged according to two main factors – [1] the type of service provided; and [b] the duration of service provision. The various services that we provide have been allocated into five ‘bands’ for charging purposes. A higher band generally denotes a higher skill level required, but there may be exceptions to this resulting in some services falling into other bands [lower or higher] for charging purposes.
Many services will be bespoke to a particular client, and it is therefore impossible to confirm a precise cost without knowing full requirement details. However, the table below provides an outline indication of the lowest cost of each of our main services.
Please note that, depending on specific requirements, the actual cost may vary from these guideline figures – but charges will always be agreed in advance and confirmed in writing before any services are provided.
Time-Based Engagements | Example Rates
Band Service Example Rate Per
Day Week Month
1 [a] Basic Business Administration
[b] Business Start-Up Services [from]£95 £463 £1,955
2 [a] Business Administration
[b] Financial Administration£120 £585 £2,470
3 [a] Business Development Review [from]
[b] Sales Development [from]
[c] Marketing Services [from]
[d] Procurement Services [from]*£145 £707 £2,985
4 [a] Project Management [from]
[b] Business Representation [from]£170 £829 £3,499
5 Interim Management [from]** £TBC £TBC £TBC
Time-Based Engagements | Notes
The minimum period of engagement is one day.
Engagements booked in advance as Week blocks are subject to a discount of 2.5% off the corresponding Day rate; engagements booked in advance as Month blocks are subject to a discount of 5% off the corresponding Day rate.
* In some cases, the charging basis for Procurement Services can be structured differently – e.g. a lower rate combined with an agreed share of cost savings achieved may be offered. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
** Interim Management rates can vary significantly based on the scope and anticipated duration of an engagement. Please contact us for a detailed discussion of your requirements.
- ‘Day’ is defined as 7.5 [seven and a half] consecutive hours between 8.00am-6.00pm Monday-Friday [excluding Bank Holidays] [excluding lunch or any other breaks – i.e. 7.5 working hours]. The ‘standard working Day’ for charging purposes is 7.5 hours.
- ‘Week’ is defined as 5 [five] consecutive days – Monday-Friday [excluding Bank Holidays] [‘Day’ definition also applies] . The ‘standard working Week’ for charging purposes is 37.5 hours.
- ‘Month’ is defined as 1 [one] calendar month [‘Day’/’Week’ definitions also apply].
Overtime Charges
‘Overtime’ is defined as any hours worked that exceed the number of hours agreed with the client at commencement of the engagement. In the absence of any specific agreement regarding number of hours to be worked, the ‘standard working Day’ and ‘standard working Week’ definitions above will automatically apply in all cases.
Overtime charges apply to Time-Based Engagements only.
If the engagement is based on a standard Day rate, any hours worked that are in excess of the standard 7.5 hours per Day will be charged at the Day rate/7.5 +25% [for additional hours worked between 8.00am-6.00pm Monday-Friday]; the Day rate/7.5 +50% for additional hours worked between 6.00pm-Midnight Monday-Friday and between 8.00am and 6.00pm on Saturday/Sunday/Bank Holiday; and the Day rate/7.5 +100% for additional hours worked at any other time.
If the engagement is based on a standard Week rate, any hours worked that are in excess of the standard 37.5 hours per Week will be charged at the Week rate/37.5 +25% [for additional hours worked between 8.00am-6.00pm Monday-Friday]; the Week rate/37.5 +50% for additional hours worked between 6.00pm-Midnight Monday-Friday and between 8.00am and 6.00pm on Saturday/Sunday/Bank Holiday; and the Week rate/37.5 +100% for additional hours worked at any other time.
All charges are shown exclusive of VAT.
Payment Terms
We will invoice on a weekly basis for engagements based on a Day or Week rate, and invoice monthly for engagements based on a Month rate.
Invoices relating to Project-Based Assignments will be issued as agreed in the related Statement of Work.
All invoices are due for payment with seven days of the date of invoice.
In the case of new clients trading with us for less than three months, where the engagement is based on a Month rate we will invoice weekly for the first three months, and on a monthly basis thereafter. Where a monthly charge is invoiced weekly, for ease of calculation the monthly rate will be divided into four equal amounts for billing purposes, irrespective of the number of days in a particular week/month.
All work undertaken is subject to our Terms & Conditions | Rates correct as at 1 July 2017 | E.&O.E.